Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Meet The People

Possibly the castle of Acriptus...:

   Sorry this has taken me so long to get out! It's so much harder to get all the thoughts out of your head and onto paper in a form that actually makes sense to people other then myself!
   Alright, finally we get to talk about the strange people I have created! And this post actually carries a very important lesson behind it, which I will disclose at the very end.


Physical Conformation: 
    Lorenians are slim in build with the tallest growing to be 5 1/2 feet. They have wiry, dark colored hair that is never allowed to grow beyond the ears. Olive skin allows them to put up with the sun, even in intense weather. The pupils of their eyes can dilate like a cat so they can see perfectly in the dark or in the day.
Common Characteristics:
     Most Lorenians work in short bursts of intense energy that allows them to accomplish amazing feats despite their short stature. When there is a situation that demands a high amount of energy, it leaves them drained. However, a short nap will bring them back ready for more. Their hearing is superb when they can make themselves focus. They are as nimble as squirrels in the trees and can run with surprising speed. They dress in dark greens, browns and blacks, which aid them in blending with their forest home. They feel intimidated by Giants and bear a slight grudge towards them because they treat them like children due to their small size.
     If you ever find yourself in a conversation with a Lorien, don't take their comments to personally. They are generally blunt without any intention of being rude. If you get a Lorien upset, which is easily done since most Lorenians prefer to remain in their own thoughts, you will be treated to a high dose of sarcasm or a glare that could melt stone. Once they are befriended, a Lorien reveals a tender side that is hidden under their blunt crust and are the best people to have at your back when is comes to a scrape. They have a fierce loyalty that is not easily broken.
Living Environment and Social Ranking:
      The moment you step foot in the forest, there is a Lorien watching you - making sure you aren't there to cause trouble. They crawl through the trees without making a sound and can vanish, seemingly, into thin air. There are a few Lorenians who make their home in cities but they seldom fit.
       The forests of Heacope are divided among the five Lorien chiefs - the highest ranking Lorien there is. Lorenians, however, do not live in villages or towns. Their homes are scattered throughout the forest, within their chief's district. The Lorien chiefs always remain on good terms with one another due to their limited interactions. Rarely is there ever a cause for the chiefs to come together unless there is war or pressing danger to the Lorenians.


A Farlin on Trueth:
Physical Conformation
     Farlinians are tall and slim, ranging anywhere from 6 to 7 ft tall. Their skin is fair and their hair is worn long by both men and women. The most impressive feature is their wings, which can reach a span of 20ft or more, depending on what bird they are after. Their feet are like those of birds, making them perfectly at home even in the tallest trees. Their eyes are narrow and usually of unique color, such as purple, turquoise, or electric green. Their limbs are slender and they have exceptionally long fingers. Farlinians are unable to grow any beards, which accents their fair skin.
Common Characteristics
     They dress in loose robes that have either slits for their wings or a low back that reaches just above the waist. Their life spans are longer than any other, the oldest Farlin living to be over 200 years old. They are deadly with a bow and can shoot multiple arrows at once due to their large hands. Fish is their favorite meal, which they catch on their own the same way an Eagle would.
    Farlinians are a soft-spoken and gentle people when at peace. But when threatened or in battle they become fierce warriors. They will avoid fighting at all costs and are not easily upset. If the debate can be settles by a conversation, then that is what they will do. A Farlin is most at ease when it is together with a group, or basking in the beauty of nature.
Living Environment and Social Ranking
      The Falinians live in the treetops of the highest trees on the island of Trueth, where trees grow to be giants and the largest limbs are as big around as a Redwood Cedar tree.
Falinians are devoted to God and the old Cousel of Consilium and have their own set of rules apart of the Counsel of Evolutio, which creates the rules for the rest of the known world. All laws are established by their King, Intiele, as well as a select group of nobles.They are a mystical people that have nothing to do with the outside world and prefer to keep it that way.

 Brodgen, Reynold's half-giant protector and friend.:

Physical Conformation
         The first typical characteristic is their size. The Giants of Torup grow to be over 9ft tall with large features, broad flat noses, and big lips. Their hair is black and grown long, as well as wiry beards. Their eyes are deep set and covered by bushy brows.
Common Characteristics
        The Giants prefer a sturdy Mace or broad sword to any other weapon. They wear clothing made primarily of animal skins or roughly woven cloth. Their size allows them to cope with frigged temperatures. They love to farm and provide a vast majority of the grain and produce that is shipped to Heacope by merchants, making them also a wealthy organization. Most are also good smiths and excellent miners.
        Giants are a hospitable and gentle people - easily wounded by offensive words. They are fiercely protective of their friends or family almost to a fault, as they will go to any drastic measure to keep their companion safe without thinking the situation through. They love talking together or singing in their deep rumbling voices. It's not hard to catch a Giant talking happily to the animals it tends to, or humming in the fields.

Living Environment and Social Ranking
          The land of Torup was once a rocky and barren wasteland. The Giants settled there in an attempt to keep their distance from the contentious Humans and offensive little Lorenians. They fertilized the soil and now have large fields and healthy herds that are their pride. The mountains on Torup have a vast network of tunnels created by them and large Iron deposits, which the Giants melt down and make into weapons and armor.
         Giants are led by their chief, who is attentive to the people and their wishes. The Council of Evolutio and their ways have barely touched upon them, although many would quickly pledge their allegiance to King Bertram in a war. There are also some who are devoted to the Counsel of Consilium, although they don't voice such opinions out loud.

 I need this guy in my book! Who should he be?:
Physical Conformation
        Honestly, I would go into more depth on Humans if we lived in Narnia or Middle Earth. But the chances are that if you're reading this you're a Human and have already seen every type of Human there is to be seen. (enough said)
Common Characteristics
        (Fill in the Blank with every Human interaction you've ever had)
        (Ditto what I said above. (Do I even need to go on?)) Can you do parenthesis inside of parenthesis?
Living Environment and Social Status
       (Now I can write) The Humans of Heacope are under the rule of King Bertram, who is under the rule of the Counsel of Evolutio. The King makes the rules pertaining to the ever-changing whims of the people, while the Evolutio creates the foundation on which the rules are established. If something doesn't line up with what the Evolutio says, it doesn't go through.
      The Humans of Heacope range everywhere from the countryside of the Marlin village and seaside town of Yarrow, to the large city of Acriptus.

     Now for the lesson: Planning a riveting story line is important, but creating depth to your characters just as important! Without a solid foundation, your characters will be shallow and weak in your intense situations. When you figure out all of those little quirks and interesting habits, you create characters that the reader gets attached to. I mean, who doesn't love the food-adoring Hobbits? Those little things make the character come alive! Each of the people you interact with have their own set of interesting characteristics. In order for your characters to become real, you have to think about every aspect of their being! (Even if that means going into what your character is allergic to!)

Have you ever read about a character that seemed real to you? What was it about the character that made them stand out?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


"Writing: somewhere between torture and fun.":

         I know I said I was going to talk about races this week, but I couldn't let this opportunity pass by.
         I'm going to be completely honest: the beginning of this book has been one of the hardest to decide upon. I mean, Really. Hard. I've written the beginning at least six times in three different ways. First I started with a Narrative (just for the very beginning) so it was like somebody reading history, which is what it kind of was, then I switched to First Person, and then I switched to Third Person and stuck with that because that's how I like reading books n and it communicated in the most efficient way. But then I couldn't find a satisfactory way to kick it off. There's a lot of information, geography, and relationships that needs to be grasped all at once; and it all needed to be written in such a way that hooked the reader and made them actually want to keep reading.
         So I started writing. My first draft was probably the result of way to much tea and not enough planning. For all those authors reading this:
         A great resource that I used was Kingdom Pen's Jumpstart Your Novel class. If you have never visited Kingdom Pen, I highly recommend it and this series. I grew beyond words through this class! 
         Anyway, (embarrassment ahead) my first scene was of my character making a harebrained attempt to slide down the stairs on a mattress while nobody was looking. (Inspired by my childhood memories of doing the exact same thing. If you haven't ever gone down the stairs on a mattress, or in a sleeping bag, or on a sled I highly suggest you try it and I don't care how old you are. You're never too old to go down the stairs in a new way!)
         I realized that, although this was a hilarious way to start the book, and you got a great feel for the character's sarcasm and energy, it didn't do justice to his relationship with his brother, his lineage, or how he lived. Also, while taking the Jumpstart class, I was able to thoroughly develop Reynold's character into what he is now. 
         My next attempt was little better different as my character was running through the woods fleeing the village bullies. (Yes, I know it's cliche!!) 
         On. And on. And on. I ran through all my ideas for how on earth I could start this novel. I wrote, deleted, re-wrote and repeated. I got closer when I started the scene with my character slipping off in the dead of night before getting caught by his brother Edmund. It introduced Reynold's desire for being alone, the place he lived, and the stiff relationship he had with his brother. I was actually about to settle on this introduction when I realized my major problem. I was getting bored just writing it! How was I going to expect my readers to keep reading when I could hardly drag my fingers over the keyboard and force my brain to come up with the next line in the limp dialogue? 
         Another idea got scratched from the screen and I was faced once again with empty whiteness. I prayed for God to just give me something, because I wanted Him to move through his book. I shut down the computer and went back to schoolwork, trying to make myself not think about it anymore. 
         Then it came to me! It was so perfect I couldn't believe I had been so thick headed to not think about it earlier. I needed something punchy and exciting to introduce Loriens, Reynold's brother Edmund, the world Reynold lived in, his habits and desires, as well as who he was. And I finally had it!

          As followers of my blog, I'm going to actually let you get a sneak peek into the beginning of my book. First, you can read my draft of the scene where Reynold is slipping out into the night.(The one I was originally going to settle on for the best I could do) Then you can read what I have for that scene now and compare which you think is better and captures your interest more, as well as any tips or advice you might have for my final idea. (That's an invitation for critique, my friends!) 

Original Draft:

Reynold lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. Even in the darkness of his room, his eyes were able to see the shapes of the furniture and the four straight walls that held him in. The silence told him that is was far past the time when decent people were asleep. But he wasn’t exactly decent. His heart was pounding and the muscles in his body were taut. Sleep evaded his eyes no matter how hard he wished it upon himself. Reynold threw back the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet tingling as they touched the cold stone floor. His hand fumbled around until he touched the soft leather of his boots. He tucked them under his arm, draped his cloak over his shoulders, padded across the room in his bare feet, and eased the door open. The manor was silent, as it should be. But he couldn’t stay. This was the only time he could slip out – the only time he could be free. The question of whether or not it was the Lorien blood within him that fueled his desire for freedom or simply his own will could never be satisfied. His two sides were in a constant state of warfare which left him restless.
                Reynold looked down the hallways before slipping out of his room. His bare feet made no noise as he glided over the floor. The halls were pitch black to the Human eye, but his heightened Lorien senses expanded his pupil like that of a cat to take in any shred of light cast by the stars outside the window. He could see the walls that confined him like a prison, but led him to freedom as he kept walking down their path. He paused momentarily outside his brother’s door and listened. The only sound Reynold could hear was the hiss of the wind outside the rock walls. It whispered to him – calling him outside. Reynold slowly backed up and was about to go on his way when his sensitive ears caught the faint tread of padded feet. Reynold whirled and grasped the wrist of an outstretched hand, pinning the person to the wall. Edmund caught his breath to stifle his exclamation of surprise. Reynold leaned closer, his heart threatening to pound through his chest. “What are you doing here?” He hissed, trying to hide his surprise.
                “Isn’t that the question you should be asking yourself?” Edmund whispered back.
                Reynold relaxed his hold and Edmund slumped a bit, though it did nothing to hide the fact that they were now the same size; despite the fact that Reynold was seventeen and his little brother a year younger. Edmund’s eyes, whose pupils were expanded so far you could hardly tell they were blue, peered at Reynold from beneath dark brown hair that hadn’t yet been rumpled by sleep. Reynold ran a hand through his own short hair, which was the color of copper and refused to stay anywhere but directly in his face.
                Edmund glanced over his shoulder and Reynold listened for any sign that they had awoken the servants. All was still silent. Somewhere the hoot of an owl sent its eerie call through the night. Reynold turned back to his brother with a scowl.
                “Don’t give me that look when you’re the one sneaking off.” Edmund said as quietly as he could and still sound upset.
                Reynold held a finger to his lips before gesturing for him to follow. Together, the brothers made their way down the hall until Reynold turned into one of the rooms that branched off. The musty smell of old books made the air even more oppressive and Reynold fought down a quick surge of frantic energy to escape. He walked over to the window and slid back the lock with a sharp click. The window lifted silently and Reynold hoisted himself onto the sill before dropping onto the dew covered grass below. He quickly stole into the shadow of a bush to his left as Edmund thumped down behind him.  Reynold pulled his boots on and lifted the hood of his cloak over his face before taking off to the far corner of the manor. He could hear Edmund’s heavier tread behind him as they dashed from shadow to shadow. The precaution was probably unnecessary at this time of night, but it helped ease Reynold’s nerves.
                A hand clasped the corner of his sleeve. Reynold turned and pressed a hand over Edmund’s mouth before he had the chance to speak. Reynold brought his mouth close to Edmund’s ear. “Wait until we are in the woods.”
                Reynold turned again and continued his escape through the night with Edmund following. They crossed the manicured lawn, with its perfectly trimmed hedges and sparkling fountain, before coming to the edge of the estate. Reynold paused by the road that disappeared into the darkness to his left. All other directions led into the woods. He heard Edmund’s heavy breathing behind him and turned. Edmund waved his hand and they plunged into the woods.
                “How long do you think you can keep this double life up?” Edmund asked, still keeping his voice down to a hushed whisper.
                Reynold’s shrug was lost as he navigated a fallen tree and several clumps of brush that would have woken every forest creature had he stepped on them. “As long as I’m half Lorien.”
                Reynold could almost feel Edmund’s eye roll.

 What I Have Now:

          Reynold’s heart pounded in his ears and his lungs burned with fire as he dashed through the shadowed forest. His soft leather boots made only the slightest thump on the marshy floor with each flying stride he made. His flight was as silent as it was swift. A patch of mist hovering low over the ground warned Reynold of the starving mud below. Rapidly counting the strides, Reynold leaped over the mist and landed on the safety of firm ground. He glanced back and saw several fleeting shadows following him like wraiths in the night. Reynold snapped his head around in time to dodge another patch of bog. A fallen tree lay up ahead, its gnarled roots splaying in all directions like an overgrown palace. Reynold bounded up and slid down a root that led into a maze of dirt tunnels that barely allowed his slim form to slip through. He clambered up a web of roots and slid down to the other side in a desperate attempt to lose his pursuers. There was a loud scuffle and several hissed oaths because the pathway only allowed one person to go through at a time. Reynold changed his direction and grasped a low hanging branch, swinging himself into the tree. With the agility of a squirrel, he bounded from limb to limb; using only the sturdiest ones that wouldn’t shake as much. After a distance he dropped back onto the ground and continued to run. His legs felt like water and his heart was a burning ember in his chest. With a final burst of energy, Reynold swung himself into another tree and climbed up into the crotch. He sucked in several chocking breaths before forcing himself to stay quiet. He shut his eyes to focus on steadying his trembling limbs that would shake the branch he was hiding in. He resisted the urge to pull down the black cloth covering his mouth and nose. His pale skin would shine out in the night if he pulled it down to gasp in fresh air.
                All was painfully silent for an eternity of time. Reynold’s eyes scanned the forest floor, picking out the areas of mist covering the bog that, in the day time, looked like any other patch of marshy, moss covered ground. The mist, the key to avoided death by drowning, only appeared in the dead of night and evaporated in the morning– making the Murkwater Forest the most treacherous to anybody other than the Lorenians. Reynold only wished he wasn’t a halfblood. What a blessing it would be to see with the eyes of pure Lorien.
                Reynold tensed as a shadow silently drifted by underneath him. Judging from the broad shoulders and sturdy stride, Reynold suspected Garner was just below him. Another figure, slimmer than the first, joined Garner, and they held a hushed conversation. Reynold’s sensitive hearing picked up several words.
                “…Must have headed towards the Blackwater”
                The slim figure shook his head. “Would have heard him... ... Dry brush there.”
                Reynold held his breath as the two figures looked around the forest. As long as they didn’t look up he would be safe.
                The rustling of the branches behind him caused Reynold to jerk around just in time to see a third figure pounce on him. Reynold gripped a branch and let himself fall, only to be caught by his hand. His assailant fell to the forest floor with a thud and the other two figures looked up. Reynold hung precariously from one hand other thin air for a moment before hauling himself back into the branches. He considered jumping to the ground and fleeing on foot. A glance down made the decision for him. Too late: Garner and the other figure were already halfway up the tree while the third figure picked himself up and waited for him to make just that decision. Reynold slung himself through the branches, jumping from tree to tree. The next tree was a far jump and Reynold took it without hesitation. Suddenly his leg was caught from behind and his momentum stopped. Reynold fell to the forest floor inches from a section of mist and the air was forced from his lungs as his attacker fell on top of him. Before Reynold could catch his breath, his hands were pinned and a dagger was at his throat.
                “Close. But not close enough.” A smooth male voice said from behind the black cloth that covered everything but his eyes.
                Reynold looked up into the green eyes of his captor, whose razor sharp blade was dangerously close to slitting his throat. The corners of the green eyes wrinkled as the owner smiled. Reynold tensed as three more black figures joined the victor who pinned him down.
                “You don’t have to completely humiliate me, Twain.” Reynold gasped against the dagger.
                The figure sheathed his dagger and got to his feet, offering a hand to Reynold. Reynold allowed Twain to pull him to his feet. His legs were still shaky from the flight and his lungs burned as his breathing gradually became normal. He ripped the cloth away from his face and inhaled the cool forest air.
                “You nearly gave us the slip by going through the Tarn,” Garner said through wheezing breaths.
                The slim figure pulled off the hood and revealed his tan skin and black hair. “If Garner hadn’t insisted on going first we wouldn’t have lost him.”
                “That’s what you think, Varl,” contradicted the third, who had attempted to pounce on Reynold in the tree. “You were the one that – “
                “Peace, Severin,” Twain said with a smile and clapped a hand on his companion’s shoulder. All of them were nearly the same height except for Garner, who’s thicker build made him appear larger, but Twain was most certainly the shortest. “Reyn gave us all the slip quiet neatly. I just happened to be the lucky one in the tree when he took that foolhardy leap.”
                “Couldn’t you have avoided landing on me?” Reynold asked, wrapping his arms around his bruised chest. “I would never be able to explain a broken rib to Edmund.”
                The green of Twain’s eyes shone around his massively dilated pupil, which looked eerily cat-like, as he grinned. “Be thankful I didn’t grab the hood of your cloak or you would have had to explain a broken neck as well.”
                Reynold rolled his blue eyes, which showed more blue than Twain’s showed green. He was still able to see better in the dark than the average Human, but the woods were still a canvas of greys and deep blues. The extra dilated pupil enabled him and all other Lorenians navigate the dangerous Murkwater Forest where no Human feet ever tread.
                Twain looked up through the fluttering leaves of the trees. “The moon is going to sleep.”
                Reynold nodded and pulled his cloak back over his face, giving a farewell nod to each of his Lorenian friends. “I need to get back before the servants wake up and Edmund hears I’ve been out again.”
                Twain gave Reynold and backhanded slap on the shoulder. “You did much better tonight. Perhaps tomorrow Severin will deem it a good use to time to throw some knives around.”
                The Lorien named Severin folded his arms across his chest and glared. Twain spread his arms out in innocence. “That was meant as a compliment. We all know you could pick a crabapple off a branch while reclining in the grass.”
                The cold in Severin’s eyes eased a bit and he nodded.  Reynold thought he caught the faintest hint a smile tugging at the corner of his stoic friend’s mouth.  Garner, Varl, and Severin raised a hand in parting.
                Masalim,” they said in broken unison.
                Reynold raised his hand in return. “Masalim bo rulont.”
                The three Loriens disappeared into the forest as silently as shadows.
                “Your forest navigation isn’t the only thing improving,” Twain commented approvingly, “soon you will be speaking Lorenian so well nobody would guess you weren’t a full-blooded native.”
                Reynold turned and allowed a faint smile cross his face at the compliment. Twain, who had just pulled the fabric over his freckled nose, gestured for him to follow.
                “Come along, rulont. I shall walk you to the Forest’s edge.”
                Twain began sprinting across the ground and swung into a tree. Reynold followed a few steps behind as they dashed from tree to tree. When they neared edge of the forest they dropped to the ground and walked until they could see the fields and dark silhouetted houses of Marlin. Reynold stopped and turned to his friend.
                “Tomorrow is a full moon. You will be able to see better while throwing knives.” Twain said in the typical blunt fashion that seemed to accompany the Lorien blood.
                Reynold nodded and grasped the hand Twain offered. Twain turned and vanished back into the forest while Reynold headed down the dirt road that skirted the village of Marlin. 

The goal behind this post is this: #1 - Authors, don't be afraid to start over. (And that means starting over as many times as necessary until it's actually something worth reading)
                                                     #2 - If you are bored writing it, your reader is going to be bored reading it. Writing shouldn't be a drag! Create an adventure that grabs your reader by the shirt and pulls them in heart and mind! I promise, if you do this, you will have a much more enjoyable experience writing, you will feel satisfied with your work, and your readers will love it!

Sorry for such a long post. Here's a video! (Because why would anybody want to see a potato after reading a long post?)

Have any thoughts or advice about my draft? Please comment below! It would help me SO much to hear what you guys think.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Characters and Summary

In all honesty, book summaries still remain my greatest foe in the writing battle! Which is why I am stressing the point: This is a DRAFT. (that's an invitation for critiques from you guys!)

Regardless of where you are in life, the age old question will always be there.
What is my purpose in this life?
For Reynold, this is more than a question. It's a challenge. And it's a challenge that cannot be explained by random chance, as the council of Evolutio, the law makers of Heacope, teaches. 
In his search for Truth, Reynold quickly finds himself entangled in the battle against the Fantasizers. To king Bertram, their deaths are his top priority to establish his authority and the law of the Council. But when Reynold, a soldier in the king's castle, is ordered to burn down a building with Fantasizers inside it, he begins to question where his loyalty should be placed. Is there something to what these so-called Fantasizers believe? Who is this Ben Elohim they serve so willingly even to the point of death?
Do they hold the key to life?

I stress it once again: this is a draft and by no means close to what it should be. (This took me a solid 20 minutes as it is, plus re-reading it five times. For me, that's the equivalent to forever) 

Now on to the fun stuff: Characters!

 It's the Reynold glare.
Reynold Sercher
He is the main Character and half Lorien. (I'll get into races next week!) He keeps this thoughts to himself until his sarcasm gets the better of him. He questions the purpose of life because the council of Evolutio's answers doesn't satisfy him.
With a heavy dose of recklessness from his Lorien blood, Reynold is more likely to get into trouble before he gets out of it. 
Age: 17-21

Edmund as a guard in his uncle's palace.:
 Edmund Sercher

Reynold's little brother and the complete opposite in nearly every way. Edmund is happy to accept what the Nobles and educated members of the Evolutio council tell him; no questions asked. He has the same seclusive nature as Reynold but less fire. He has a strong sense of duty and loyalty which clouds his better judgement at times. 
Age: 16-20

Captian Xander on board the Torrent:
 Captain Xander

Owner of the fastest fleet of pirate ships in the water, Xander is also the leader of the Fantasizers. He is Observant and Assertive with the ability to keep everything together even at the roughest times. And just a side note: Everything that goes on anywhere is a part of his business.
Age: 40's

King Bertram:
 King Bertram

The saying, 'looks can be deceiving' could never be more true in Bertram's case. His words of hospitality can bode death to anyone who he feels questions his authority or that of the Council. He rules the land of Heacope with an iron fist under the appearance of a caressing hand. Stay in his good will and you are his friend, hint at questioning his authority, and you will find yourself in the dungeons or dead.
Age: 30's

Prince William glaring Reynold from the room.:
 Prince William

There is no false mask on William's face. He is every bit the spoiled son of the king and makes no efforts to hide it, although his occasional charm has every girl in Acriptus swooning. His pride can be popped by the smallest pin, which in this story, happens to be Reynold. Underneath a haughty face, there is the brilliant mind of a strategist making him both a repulsive and dangerous enemy. 
Age: 19-24


 At over 7ft tall, it's hard to mistake Brodgen for anything other than a mountain of muscle turned pirate. This makes him a comical companion for Reynold, who isn't an inch taller than 5 1/2ft. Brodgen is loyal to the core and as protective as a father, but he doesn't have a problem with hanging you from the highest protruding spike he can reach and leaving you there until he sees fit. (Or you've changed your attitude. Whichever comes sooner.) 
Age: 30's

From her blunt attitude to her vivacious energy, Keilk is Lorien in every sense of the word. She doesn't hesitate to throw a dagger in your direction if she feels threatened, but her heart will melt if you are in need of help. Once you've dared to befriend her, Keilk's bright smile is enough to cheer up the murkiest day. You would never guess the secrets she hides so well.
Age: 17-21

Reynold's Lorien tutor Aderyn showing him the power of Wisdom.:
He is pure Lorien with the wisdom of ages behind him. He lives nowhere and everywhere as a traveler of the world. His arrival in your woods means news from far countries and stories of ancient times. What's more, he begins Reynold's search for purpose.
Age: Unknown

There you have it, a detailed listing of all the main characters and what I think they would look like! (Thank you Pinterest!) If you want to see more of my ideas for characters, places, and other randomness you can look at my Pinterest page.

I'm sure I've got you a bit confused about Loriens by now. Just sit tight! We'll get to that next week!

Have any thoughts or comments? Don't keep it to yourself; be generous and share!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Welcome to my little world

                                                  Richard Price: Writers spend three years rearranging 26 letters of the alphabet. It's enough to make you lose your mind day by day.
This is my little corner of the wide web where I'm spilling my thoughts out. The topic: Books! Specifically, the one I am embarking upon. I have written before but this is something new. Before, my writing was only a dabbling hobby. Now I'm pursuing it in earnest.  It will take me who-knows-how-long. But I plan to make it this new book.
Did I mention I'm homeschooled? That just adds a whole new aspect to my weirdness. (Prepare for the possibility of a few random posts or thingies that catch my attention along the way)
So stay tuned as I post my newest ideas, characters, story twists, encouragement, and even clips of the real book. 
As a follower of my blog, you will be able to read exclusive excerpts, hear my latest thoughts on plot twists, and learn along with me as I blaze a path through the thick forest of the author's world. 
Come back Wednesday when I will be introducing the characters and my summary draft for my latest book idea:
The Prince of Pirates

 P.S Have any thoughts you want to share or questions? Feel free to leave a comment below! (Critiques are also welcome along the way!)