Saturday, January 13, 2018

Book Cover Revealed!

Ta-Da!!! How do you all like it? After much hard work I have created a book cover. My first one from scratch, I might add. (And by hard work, I mean searching through the countless images just to find one that I thought looked close to Reynold.) 

However! (Because that's how Fantasy works) I also created another cover that I like. 

Now the trouble is decided which one is better. So I leave it up to you, dear reader! Between Option 1: With the Face, and Option 2: With the eye, which one would you be more inclined to read if you saw them side by side on a bookshelf? Please vote in the comments!


  1. Hm...I have to say, I like them both, but I'd be more inclined to read the first one. :) Excellent job!

    1. Thanks for the input! Personally, I completely agree with you. But I'm the author, so I'm kinda biased and not an ideal judge! That's why I opened it up for you guys to vote on! But yes, I think I like the first one better.
      Now, for a new spin, would you think it would look good without the face or the eye and it was just the ship?
