Monday, November 6, 2017

Prince of Pirates: Revealed

Loriens navigating the Murkwater Forest

My book The Prince of Pirates had an interesting beginning. I had with the idea for a pirate book when we were on a road trip. I guess the combination of penned up energy from being stuck in a car for five hours, consuming way to much sugar in snack food, and my overly active imagination took control. I wasn't about to argue with it anyway. There wasn't much else to do at the moment besides play the alphabet game with my siblings for the 1,000th time. So, with a tattered notebook and a pen I scrounged from underneath the sea of scattered belongings on the bottom of our van, I began writing the outline for my book. 
Not exactly the most noble beginning. But, meh!
BONUS: Candid/Behind the Scenes Gifs! | Community Post: These Are Not The 130 "Star Wars" GIFs You Are Looking For

The Prince of Pirates certainly didn't look anything like what it is now. My characters have grown, the story has changed, and I've learned a lot. It has been as much of an adventure for me as it has been for my characters.

But why on earth am I telling you all this? You can now read it for yourself!
Astrid looks like a fangirl after HTTYD 2. i was so excited that i was in tears though. XD

The first chapter of The Prince of Pirates is now officially available to the public on Wattpad, and I will be releasing a new chapter every week! (OK, that's more of a goal that I strive diligently to meet)

Follow this link to read

 If you enjoy reading The Prince of Pirates, please leave a vote and/or comment! It would be greatly appreciated!


  1. This is awesome! Putting the chapters on Wattpad is a great idea- this way I can keep up. ;) And I love the gifs (Han Solo is the best).

    1. Thanks, Hannah! I got the idea from Nate Philbrick from You Write Fiction when he started posting chapters of his newest book The Broken City of Crows. And yes, who doesn't love Han? He's amazing!!!!!

    2. Ahhh I really want to start reading TBCoC! School has slowed down my reading so much. :/ And yes, Han truly brightens up any blog post.
